How Big Is Planet Earth? A Relative Comparison.
Just compare the size of Earth with other giants in and outside the solar system. Diameter of: Earth: 12,700 kms, Mercury: 4,900 kms, Venus: 12,100 kms, Mars: 6,800 kms, Pluto: 2,400 kms
Diameter of: Jupiter: 143,000 kms, Saturn: 120,000 kms, Uranus: 51,100 kms, Neptune: 49,500 kmsDiameter of Sun: 1.4 million kms.
Diameter of Sirius: 1.8 times the Sun's diameter, Pollux: 9 times that of Sun, Arcturus: 25 times that of Sun.
Aldebaran: 40 times that of Sun, Rigel: Has a diameter 70 times that of Sun, Betelgeuse: The star has a diameter 650 times that of Sun, Antares: has a diameter 700 times that of Sun,
Source: Unknown, via email
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